🔮 Future-Fit 💪 Manifesto ⏩

This collective work declares a strategic approach that builds on the Agile Manifesto for organizations to explore 🔍 new possibilities 🔭, to seek 👀 new frontiers 🌌, and to boldly create 🔨 new futures 🔮.
Future-Fit organizations, with their Community of employees 👩‍💻, customers 🛒, partners 🏭, academia 🏫, and governments 🏛️, value:
Collaborative 👨‍💼👩‍🔬👨‍🔧👷‍♀️ culture ⬅️ individuals 🧍‍♂️ and interactions 💬
⚙️ Innovative systems ⬅️ working software 💻
🔍 Discovering 🤑 opportunities ⬅️ customer 📋 collaboration
🔮 Creating alternate futures ⬅️ responding to change 🦋
That is, while there is value in the items on the 👉, we value the items on the 👈 more.

1️⃣2️⃣ Principles of 🔮 Future-Fit 💪 Organizations

Delight stakeholders through continuous 🔄 delivery of unique 🤩 and valuable 🥰 solutions.
Welcome creativity 🧠 and learning 📖 all the time ♾️. Future-Fit 🔮💪 processes harness change 🦋 for the greater good ❤️ or to gain strategic advantage 🎯.
Shape the future 🔮 through a range of initiatives, from quick wins 🏆 to long shots 🚀, with a preference for game-changing 💣💥 opportunities.
The organization 🏢 must continuously 🔄 cocreate 🛠️ with the Community.
Build systems ⚙️ that support a diverse and inclusive culture 🙌. Unboss ⚖️ the environment; trust 🙏 and motivate 👏 everyone to deliver long-term results 📈.
The most efficient and effective method of exchanging information 📄 with your Community is a mix of digital 💻 and in-person 🤝 communication.
Innovative solutions ⚡ that realize stakeholders’ aspirations 😍 are the primary measure 📏 of progress.
Future-Fit 🔮💪 processes promote sustainable growth 🌳 and development ☯️. Everyone can fearlessly 🦸‍♂️ contribute and change pace ⏱️ given the context ⏰📅🌎💵.
Continuous attention to emerging trends 📊, regulations 🚨, and governance 🏛️ enhances future fitness 🔮💪.
Innovation 💡 — the art 🎨 of relentlessly challenging 🤺 the status quo — is essential.
The best models, methods, and concepts 🔥💯 emerge from Community interactions 💬.
At all times ♾️, the organization reflects 🤔 on how to become more Future-Fit 🔮💪, then tunes 📐 and adjusts 🔧 its behavior and systems accordingly.