Manifesto for Future-Fit Organizations
This collective work declares a strategic approach that builds on the Agile Manifesto for organizations to explore new possibilities, to seek new frontiers, and to boldly create new futures.
Future-Fit organizations, with their Community of employees, customers, partners, academia, and governments, value:
Collaborative culture over individuals and interactions
Innovative systems over working software
Discovering opportunities over customer collaboration
Creating alternate futures over responding to change
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
Twelve Principles of Future-Fit Organizations
Delight stakeholders through continuous delivery of unique and valuable solutions.
Welcome creativity and learning all the time. Future-Fit processes harness change for the greater good or to gain strategic advantage.
Shape the future through a range of initiatives, from quick wins to long shots, with a preference for game-changing opportunities.
The organization must continuously cocreate with the Community.
Build systems that support a diverse and inclusive culture. Unboss the environment; trust and motivate everyone to deliver long-term results.
The most efficient and effective method of sharing information with your Community is a mix of digital and in-person communication.
Innovative solutions that realize stakeholders’ aspirations are the primary measure of progress.
Future-Fit processes promote sustainable growth and development. Everyone can fearlessly contribute and change pace given the context.
Continuous attention to emerging trends, regulations, and governance enhances future-fitness.
Innovation — the art of relentlessly challenging the status quo — is essential.
The best models, methods, and concepts emerge from Community interactions.
At all times, the organization reflects on how to become more Future-Fit, then tunes and adjusts its behavior and systems accordingly.
Sign the Manifesto and Join the Future-Fit Alliance
Become a signatory and join an alliance of forward-looking individuals who support the Future-Fit Manifesto.
Future-Fit Assessment
Evaluate your organization’s progress in becoming Future-Fit with a 5-minute assessment.